
Noelle Greeff


Noelle completed her LLB degree at the University of Stellenbosch, during which time she also spent 6 months at the University of Bern on exchange, studying various aspects of international law. Noelle obtained her LLB degree in 2014.

Noelle subsequently obtained her LLM degree in 2015 at the University of Stellenbosch where she focused on commercial law and trust law. Noelle worked as a research assistant at the University of Stellenbosch law faculty in the mercantile law department while completing her LLM.

Noelle completed her articles of clerkship with Hayes Incorporated and was admitted as an attorney in 2018.

During 2019 Noelle completed an Advanced Short Course in Business Rescue Practice, and in 2020 she was also admitted as a Notary Public.

Noelle specialises in corporate and commercial matters, with particular focus on mergers & acquisitions, corporate restructuring, and Companies Act compliance.

Noelle is a director of both Themis Commercial Legal Advisors (Pty) Ltd and Hayes Inc.